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Tooth Troubles: Does Your Dog Have Dental Disease?

Confession time, dog lovers – how many of you brush your dog’s teeth every day? We bet that many of you out there don’t do it all that often, in fact; veterinary statistics show that most dog owners underestimate the importance of regular dental care for their dogs, while some may not even realize that their dog is experiencing serious tooth troubles. Why is this? We have no problem taking care of our own teeth; brushing, flossing, and visits to the dentist are all part of our own regular health care routines, so what prevents us from doing the same for our dogs? Well, the answer isn’t simple, of course. To begin with, not many of our furry friends are thrilled about having their mouths invaded in the first place, so it can be easier to simply give up on dental care instead of wrestling your pup to get a...
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