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I’m Pregnant… How Do I Tell My Dog?


Dogs and babies aren’t incompatible. On the contrary, when a child has the opportunity to grow next to a doggy friend, the benefits are immense. Living with a pet can help children develop their nurturing skills, responsibility, empathy and communication skills; they can also learn how to be empathetic and kind. Some studies have shown that dogs can help kids develop their self-esteem, create and maintain healthier social relationships and also exercise more regularly (which decreases the incidence of obesity and weight problems). They can also contribute to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Unfortunately, things may not go as smooth as desired once the baby arrives. This is why you should invest on preparing your dog to accept the presence of the baby. Here are a few tips on how to do it:

This may seem like lots of work. However, it will save lots of stress and unpleasant situations later. Dogs can be perfect companions for children, so make sure you do your best to help him out. Remember: dogs don’t see babies as little humans; they look, act, move and smell funny. It’s our job as parents to prevent accidents from happening. If you need any help, don’t hesitate and contact a positive dog trainer or a certified animal behaviorist.

If you want more tips on this subject, check out our article named The Dog & New Baby; Introducing Your Dog To A New Baby

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