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Dogs vs. Moles: Digging Season has Begun

Not only do digging dogs destroy the yard [say that 5 times fast!], but they also track a huge mess into the house.  Warmer weather has brought small critters – such as moles – out of hibernation, which many dog breeds lover to hunt.  Listed here are ways to keep moles out of your yard. Why Do Dogs Dig for Moles? There are many reasons that dogs dig in the yard, including boredom, attention-seeking, warm weather relief, and in search of small animals.  If your dog is a terrier of any type, however, chances are that your dog is seeking small rodents.  After all, many terriers were specifically bred for rodent-control, and certain breeds (such as the Jack Russell Terrier), were developed for controlling mole problems. Thanks to your dog’s keen sense of smell and hearing, your dog will likely detect the presence of a mole long before it makes...
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