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Knowing When to Say Goodbye

knowing when to put your dog to sleep
One of the hardest parts of dog ownership is knowing when the time is right to say goodbye.  Whether a sudden illness or old age brings about the inevitable, there is no easy way to ensure you are ready to help your pet cross the rainbow bridge.  Unfortunately, one of the biggest regrets that many pet owners have is that they waited too long to euthanize (put to sleep) a sick or suffering animal.  Listed below are seven signs you should consider when making the difficult decision. Signs To Look For Here are some common signs to look for when it may be time to start the talking with your vet about end of life care. Refusing Food When animals lose interest in food, it is often their way of indicating their time on Earth is ending.  Lack of appetite for food or water is one of the first signs...
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Coping With Your Dog’s Death

Dogs are lovable creatures and owners most definitely build up a bond with them over time. However, dog owners face the most difficult time of their lives when their dog expires. While death is inevitable, there are a number of ways and methods through which owners can cope up with this irreplaceable loss. For all those grieving owners, here are a few tips you may consider: Respect the Grieving Process: Dog owners, upon the death of their dog, usually fail to understand that, like any other grieving interval, the death of the dog also has a grieving process. Experts recommend acknowledging this process and absorbing oneself into it. The first step is indeed acceptance. This means that denial won’t get you anywhere. Accepting that your dog has really expired, is really the first step little step that will lead you to eventual peace of mind! Reach out to others who...
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