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Review: Citronella Spray Bark Collars; Are They Worth It?

Almost any correctional collar is always dismissed by any trainer worth their salt. However, the majority of dog owners, almost all of them in fact, are not dog trainers.  Excessive barking can pose a great problem beyond simple annoyance.  A dog who barks at every little sound may end up in a shelter after neighbors complain or even deemed aggressive due to the barking out windows or even on walks if he reacts to other people or dogs.  Keep in mind that nearly all correctional collars pose far more harm to a dog than good if not used right, but what about the citronella spray collars? A citronella spray bark collar, such as those made by Innotek and PetSafe, offer a quick and immediate negative reinforcer when a dog barks – it sprays the dog in the face with a potent, but safe spray of citronella. The collar, when combined...
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